Kullhad Tea – An Intimate Brew of Tradition and Authenticity

The delicious concoction of masala chai infused with the earthy fragrance of Kullhad (or clay pot) is an evergreen delicacy for tea-lovers. It is a perfect companion to enjoy the lazy winter evenings or the chill rainy weekends.

The Return of the Kullhad

The Kullhad Chai (or Tandoori Chai) is made with the pouring of the classic masala chai into a hot clay cup (or kullhad). It absorbs some of the brew and the subtle blend exudes the authentic taste of India.

Kullhad tea has become a trending beverage for the millennials both within and outside India. However, did you know that the practice of consuming this tea was present a long time back? Previously, mud or terracotta cups were used to have beverages and the custom was part of India’s rich heritage. The native potters or craftsmen took pride in making the clay cups.

Technology advancement led to the gradual fading of the rustic charm of native Kullhad cups. It affected the age-old pottery industry. The craftsmen were discouraged, suffered exploitation and many left the formerly-reputed profession. Glass and then plastic cups started replacing the eco-friendly Kullhad to serve tea.

Technology advancement led to the gradual fading of the rustic charm of native Kullhad cups. It affected the age-old pottery industry. The craftsmen were discouraged, suffered exploitation and many left the formerly-reputed profession. Glass and then plastic cups started replacing the eco-friendly Kullhad to serve tea.

However, the concern for environment pollution and people’s attempt to go ‘green’ led to the return of the Kullhad. The natural components of Kullhad (water and clay) make it an ideal disposable cup. Moreover, the sipping of the classic brew from the dry, warm rim of the Kullhad feels like experiencing the authentic rustic essence of the heart of India.

Avatars of Kullhad

Kullhad tea has multiple identities and the taste subtly varies depending on the places. For example, Odisha calls it Buhar, Benaras prefer to call Puruyaas and Bengal lovingly call it Bhaad.

Now this is what we call a cup of Diversi-Tea in Kullhad (Kulhar)!

Benefits of Kullhad Tea

Keeps bacterial infection at bay

Using Kullhad to consume tea is a one-time affair. The disposable cup thus limits the risk of transmission of bacteria from one person to another. Unlike the plastic cup, fresh Kullhad is used each time to serve tea, preventing bacterial infection in the process.


A major reason for the big return of Kullhad is due to its eco-friendly nature. Unlike the plastic cups, the remains of the clay pot goes back to nature. You can also reuse the mud to craft another clay piece.

Rich in Calcium

Soil is enriched with calcium. So, taking a sip from the Kullhad means consuming a calcium infused tea. Now isn’t that specially beneficial.

Manages Acidity

The clay cup boasts of possessing naturally high alkaline that aids in reducing the body’s acidic nature. A body with a less acidic alkaline state means more resistance against chronic diseases.

Kullhad Tea, have it however you love

The relaxing evergreen beverage needs milk, tea (tea bags or loose tea), masala and sugar to get ready. The Kullhad cup is obvious.

Heat a cup of water in a saucepan with moderate heat. As the boiling stage starts add 2 teaspoons of your favorite tea, sugar and a spoon of chai masala (homemade or ready made). Cook it for 2-3mins. Boil the blend for another 2-3 mins after adding a cup of milk. Strain the tea.

Smoke and heat the Kullhad using direct heat. Continue rotating the clay mug with a tong so that the heat is evenly spread on the cup. Then, keep the clay mug in a deep pot and pour the tea into the Kullhad slowly.

You will see the tea froth dancing like the volcano lava. Pour the smoky brew into another clay immediately after the froth subsides. Your Kullhad chai is ready. 

Homemade Kullhad Tea is

love. However, if you feel like enjoying the classic cuppa out in the rain, in-between work or find yourself lost in the winter evening (morning too) then ordering it is a great option!

Ps. We (Tea Time) know, the thought of someone making and serving the chai as you take a ‘tea time’ moment off from your busy schedule feels wholesome.

So, the next time you feel like solely enjoying your ‘me’ time or a relaxing ‘tea’ time, give us a call or recall. We are waiting to have a cuppa of Kullhad Tea with you.

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